Now that summer has ended and it will rain more often, you may be wondering if that will hurt your beautiful blooming lilies. That depends a bit on whether you have orientals or asians outside. Orientals are the fragrant lilies […]
The European climate is perfect for the pot lily. You can plant them in a pot for the patio or balcony, but also in the ground. The lily can be used perfectly among the perennials in your garden. The lily […]
Now that we are outside in the garden more often with the nice weather, it’s nice if the garden looks beautiful. That is of course possible with a nice container of potted lilies, which then quickly give color. But did […]
Pollen, what can I do about it? The potted lily is not only known for her extraordinary flowers and sweet fragrance. The pollen produced by the stampers are another characteristic of the lily, one which is often regarded as ‘annoying’. […]